Moon guard forum. If you’re looking for a realm to RP on, Moon. Moon guard forum

 If you’re looking for a realm to RP on, MoonMoon guard forum  WrA is good for more serious grounded RP for both factions with a slight favor to Horde

Drarin tigthened his grip on his warhammer as he glared across the field to the Horde forces gathered on the other side from atop a great stone hill. to be apart of this or possibly ICly investigating into this Scarlet Chapter please don’t hesitate to post on the forum and reach out! Could be Death Knights of Acherus that catch wind and want to put down the. invites you! We are recruiting more players for Mythic+ Our community is highly active in Discord, and we play many other games together. This is no means meant to be senseless venting regarding Moon Guard, but ra…Gauging Interest: Pandaren RP Guild [A] Moon Guard. ADD-ONS: MRP, TRP, GHI, LISTENER. Whether it’s something. In regards to RP, I wouldn’t say it’s hard to find an RP guild on either Horde or Alliance side on Moon Guard. Hello! I’d like to preface this by saying I typically wouldn’t make a post like this, but I’m sincerely at a loss of how to feel and what to do. This initial planning meeting will address the following topics. Link to New Forums(Old ones are now Read-Only) Categories. . Moon Guard has a massively large community of people who truly care about their server. RP in the open world’s all well and good, and it’s been really fun in Darkshire, but most people use it for guild events and then Stormwind for more relaxed/organic RP. Moon Guard. I’d love to chat about some cross-group rp! Papa Gid#7515 on discord. There was a gnome in Stormwind who used to cry the daily “news,” there was a bizarre. MG- Most unfriendly RP server? Nyxandria-moon-guard. I believe that Moon Guard is the best server on WoW, this is why. Admittedly this is a personal choice but as a person who has studied storytelling in roleplay for 30 plus years starting with good old table top to 12 years on the net role play as well on wow for 6 but only actually watching and participating in the roleplay for 3 I have already come up. Granted, I did go to TOA and that was great, but. WRA has some walk-up rp as well but it is nothing like the scope and scale of the Alliance on MG. Persefaní-moon-guard. Welcome to the Moon Guard Wiki! This website is a resource for the player community of Moon Guard server, a Role-Playing PvE (RP-PvE) server in the MMORPG, World of Warcraft . Normally, I would use WrA for my Horde characters and Moon guard for my Alliance RP characters. I started WoW a LONG time ago. I have been roleplaying for over 20 years now from humble. If you need help let me know. Hey there! Looking for a smaller, mainly rp centric guild to join! Not sure exactly what kind of guild I’m looking for, but kinda keeping my options open :slight_smile:It also helps being able to reach out to an officer or GM directly to ask questions, or just directly join their public Discord (if one is offered). There are plenty of Vamyrs in Stormwind, as well as a few San’layn who are ‘conscripted to the Ebon Blade’ even if they often recieve negativity in Stormwind. Better get to browsing those forums people. The Coalition’s mission is to. Moon Guard is such a drama queen. Tydistartin-moon-guard March 19, 2020, 1:37pm #2. But that thriving, more serious community is under attack and being destroyed. anon26046537 January 15, 2021, 3:10pm #4. r/LiesOfP: A Soulslike action RPG based on the classic story of Pinocchio's Adventures in Wonderland. Discussion. You can trade and exchange mail with players on the realm. The addons I use are Emote splitter for the. Each one reads the exact same message: You are hereby cordially invited to venture deep into the dark and dangerous reaches of the North. It was an era of RPG elements, actually dying from mobs, and real, genuine friendship. MOON GUARD WIKI A Community Engine The Moon Guard Wiki has long been an outstanding source of information on canon and fanon articles created by members of our community, the server. 12:07 AM. 0 Speculation Thread. As a promise to her friends and family, I feature her in this news story and discussion post, and hopefully this will serve as a reminder to all who read this about how fragile our lives really are. World of Warcraft Forums Alliance vs Horde Moonguard. Transparency, acceptance, and equality is what we seek to achieve for the Horde community on Moon Guard. Ill make this short and sweet. 5 Likes. Banshih-moon-guard (Banshih) April 10, 2023, 6:33pm #3. Recruitment Fair. Sometimes it doesn’t matter though. Szorn-moon-guard September 15, 2023, 2:53am 2. Forums . 7 Likes. No Dragonflight numbers from Blizzard means?? 11:45 PM. Killed again. I don’t think that it’s really fair to criticise based on something that benefits a vast majority of its player base and maintains server stability. Helida-moon-guard December 20, 2019, 4:56pm 1. More from Blizzard . Comment by Yresa on 2022-08-09T13:22:07-05:00. He’s just simply in a position where he wouldn’t typically be found “Oh just hanging out in a bar” or casually walking around town, or even just ‘there’ on the front lines with others. (All Terrain Logistical Utility Station) uses the Punch Card system, allowing access to specific parts of the base!Feyahni-moon-guard. Even if you don't RP, watching the duels, sparring, performances, and more can be incredibly entertaining. invites you! We are recruiting more players for Mythic+ Our community is highly active in Discord, and we play many other games together. The company. Kingdom of Gilneas is a community roleplaying project seeking to create and represent the government of the Gilneas and various other important Gilnean institutions. I prefer wyrmrest accord. Your thinking valtois the snarky mage that was with thalyssra and we did the mana beacon quests with. The Dwarven Vanguard is a Heavy Roleplaying guild seeking all able-bodied Dwarves for the defense of Khaz Modan! For ten years the Dwarven Vanguard has striven to bring quality RP to the Dwarven community on Moon Guard as the successor guild to the historic Mountain Guard. Of course you know what you’re really here for, to come by the Starweaver Vineyards stand!A report by Guard Thomas states that the murlocs pose a significant threat to Goldshire and are, at a minimum, affecting the region's fishing industry. Grats on a year on MG! And cool looking guild! Rufaic-moon-guard. Vishas-moon-guard. If you want to go to Moonguard for mainly roleplay, then go ahead. Whether for Roleplay or content, I’m seeing alot of people saying the same thing, so what about you guys? 🙂 Oath of the Shanari Reborn from stardust, I am Starsworn. , on Saturday. And there is an event going on tonight through Vanguard! Hopecry-moon-guard. I prefer wyrmrest accord. I am a veteran of Emerald Dream and a skeptic. Posted by u/ [deleted] 1 year ago. The Silversworn are defenders of the Flame of Elune and are ever alert to the rise of new enemies or the resurgence of old. Wyrmrest Accord has a really neat thread to request and trade names on, so figured we could have something simi…With today’s content patch, be sure to back up your TRP in case the patch decides to play “Pac Man” with your addon data. Hello! I’ve played on Wyrmrest Accord since Cataclysm launched, and have been very much an engaged member of both factions’ communities through a number of Heavy RP guilds across both the Horde and the. Even on RP servers, PvP happens. dont be gross -_-. ^ "Members of our CS team will ‘patrol’ Goldshire on Moon Guard on a regular basis, and take appropriate action for. Just wondering if anyone knows why it died off. Singer (WRA) Shot (WRA) Schwann (WRA) Grace-moon-guard November 9, 2020, 5:02am #3. Midday Oblivion is recruiting. A World of Warcraft Community is a cross-realm social group of adventurers who share common interests. Discussion. The Grand Alliance, is a role-playing community that encompasses a. The addons I use are Emote splitter for the. What Is Dance Of The Dead?: An annual Hallow’s End IC RP celebration that has been hosted as far back as 2008. How to start RP? Braytin-moon-guard. Looking for active M+ and Raid ready healers and DPS! Weekly events, active and welcoming. ) OOC Ages: Due to the darker themes in rp associated with undead rp, and the horrors of what Lordaeron has been subjected to in canon lore. Grunetin-moon-guard. Linking servers remove some random restrictions between the two. Yes, daily. It’s part of the TOS that Blizzard doesn’t have to make special allowances for individual servers, so its a positive thing that they do. Get more Alliance players to try horde: Now I know that Zandalari trolls helped with this but we need to get more people trying hordeside. 7 Likes. A screenshot from one of the videos of the brawl in Montgomery, Ala. net. Rainaa-moon-guard. ! I’m still aiming to make some trades/sells!Hello, my lovelies! So, long story short, I am coming back from a decent hiatus. Shield siblings of The Dwarven Vanguard have. Small, growing RP guild that focuses more on Casual/Mercenary work! 1 Like. The Coalition of the Horde presents: Twilight Genesis! When: July 15th-22nd. Krokthar-moon-guard. It’s a great place. An increase in server events, such as Conquest, Homefront, ToA, and the Kosh’harg Festival (06-10 Apr) assist in regaining a lot of that population loss. RP Opinion: Kaldorei are to blame for EVERYTHING wrong on Azeroth. Moon Guard is aiming to be a social, fun, drama free hangout for World of Warcraft players. Enjoy the exciting RP of waiting for your draft numbers to be called on the radio. Sorelai-wyrmrest-accord. I want it to be seen. We seek to protect what Tyr left behind, and make sure that Tyr’s efforts are continued in the ever-changing world of Azeroth! Now here’s the long version: The Vigilants of Tyr were formed to honor the memory of Tyr, pure and simple. 6, 61. Wyrmrest Accord, For the Horde! Check PvP. Leto-moon-guard May 21, 2023, 12:50am #1. Some attribute this to a migration of people from the RP server Sisters of Elune, which years prior had an in-character brothel operating out of that same. Wiki Admins. There is RP if you look for it. At this point in the game, for community gameplay; - Mechanically speaking for WoW, Blizzard should allow cities to be used at this point for players. The Dwarven Vanguard is a Heavy Military Roleplay guild, seeking all able-bodied Dwarves for the defense of Khaz Modan! For ten years The Dwarven Vanguard has striven to bring quality RP to the Dwarven Community on Moon Guard, as the successor guild to the historic Mountain Guard. Dragonflight is just around the corner! The Vigilants will be venturing to the Dragon Isles in-character, so now’s a great time to get introduced before the big adventures begin! Juspion-moon-guard. Szorn-moon-guard October 3, 2023,. Over the course of my time in this game, I have RP’d with some pretty amazing people on various characters on both factions. MG Horde needs YOU to help it grow and prosper. T. We strive for a positive and laid back environment. That said, in the current narrative there is absolutely zero reason that Horde. 10. I still have my Horde character on MG from back when the server first opened and it was a big Horde RP server. Throughout our time on the server we have engaged in multiple campaigns, immersive. Screw those guys. Thaela-moon-guard January 21, 2023, 11:30pm #1. Anadisong-moon-guard. Florbela-goldrinn March 29, 2020, 1:04am #1. [N-RP] <The Blackwater Company> Is Now Hiring! Moon Guard. I had this experience too! Apparently some guy named Nik is the leader of Cathedral rp? They apparently railroaded our GM into being bad guys for some rp…that were not a part of Naturally, I asked “Why didnt you say no? Cant be wasting our ppl on SW assaults. I would not for a moment subscribe to an exaggeration that Moon Guard is the “Most Unfriendly RP server” but with any large population, the duality of man becomes highlighted. Baine and Thrall, going to a tree, B U R N I N G. RP is pretty fun at first but realize at the end of the day there’s humans at the other side of the screen. I have always tried my best to adhere to Warcraft lore with my characters, as I found the need to color within the. Specifically by a group of griefers who. It was an era of RPG elements, actually dying from mobs, and real, genuine friendship. Home. Grunetin-moon-guard. Written by actual people, about RP events, every single day. The Silversworn are defenders of the Flame of Elune and are ever alert to the rise of new enemies or the resurgence of old. The Blackwater Company OUR HISTORY The Blackwater Company was founded over seventeen years (vanilla) ago by. It features chat and voice channels, event calendars and more! Altrek-moon-guard. we’re staying on our server until you guys can invite us cross Realm to your guild But Discord/communities can work for now or dm on discord :95sasquatch. The overall goal of the Coalition of the Horde is a community led effort to help revitalize and grow MG Horde RP through collaboration, networking and facilitating cooperation on all levels. Altrek-moon-guard. Hello folks! For a while now, I’ve been creating tons of resources for roleplayers in WoW, tabletop, and other MMOs. Go through the, "shadow gauntlet," aka, the shadow animals and Night Elves attacking you from one moon beam to another. Stormtalon Tribe is a horde roleplay guild that is rather new. Mordekeiser-wyrmrest-accord. Nowhere was it said that it isn’t lacking. Astromancer-moon-guard. This initial planning meeting will address the following topics. Retribution Paladin Tuning in Patch 10. Zulzan-moon-guard May 30, 2023, 5:27am #1. It causes some anxiety, to which MG Horde has a much slow and steady interactions. 0%: 131: 1855: Schonkopf: Moon Guard: Knights of Garithos: 46 - 26: 63. Granted by the Divine Inquisition, their Crusade executes the will of the Light. I’ve noticed a few things though and I am hoping people could perhaps maybe point out why or help lead me in the right direction please. oops). Thus, I am building a comprehensive list of all publicly available Discord servers and in-game channels (MG. We will be standing around in Stormwind, probably the Cathedral District for a few hours this Thursday starting at 5pm Server and going until at least 10pm Server. Moon Guard. An increase in server events, such as Conquest, Homefront, ToA, and the Kosh’harg Festival (06-10 Apr) assist in regaining a lot of that population loss. Moon Guard. Edited language - Forum Mod . Online status is of no value in comparison to making sure predators are exposed for who they really are. Moon Guard. I have come to dislike my role as a general roleplayer within the Moon Guard community, due to the collective efforts of elitists to bully me into submission. Very much like Melyria's Night Elf guide, this one will be based both on fact from WoWPedia and other credible sources. 4. 9K Messages 166K. (Taken from the Moon Guard forums) 06/13/10 Quote: The world is so full of care and sorrow that it is a gracious debt we owe to one another to discover the bright crystals of delight hidden in somber circumstances and irksome tasks. Moon Guard is the second-highest population RP realm in the North American region for retail World of Warcraft. The Light will forge a new future for mankind… but first, we must save. We do this in a number of ways, both through independent operations and by aiding our Horde allies. All items that can be unlocked in your Collections, cost 60 Cartel Coins. Connected Realms are a set of two or more realms that have been permanently and seamlessly “linked. I need to get something off my chest and I don’t know where else to put it. Moon Guard is for Alliance. A trend of disconnects is emerging on the server US-Moon Guard, reported from a wide variety of geos including multiple countries. Over the course of my time in this game, I have RP’d with some pretty amazing people on various characters on both factions. I am willing to learn and if necessary, make changes to my character’s history to better suit. It’s an interesting opportunity for roleplay. Also dragons. Comment by Damonra Easy at level 100 (iLvl 668 Warlock). Moon Guard is a player-versus-environment roleplaying (PvE-RP) server in the MMORPG World of Warcraft. People recognize one another and turns the hang-out spots more community driven where you go to the bar and know you’ll see familiar faces every day. Drarin raised his hammer, a roar of battlecries. Wyrmrest Accord, For the Horde!Check PvP. All members of Pride of Gnomeregan get their very own Punch Card made! These Punch cards are also used in our various events! The A. And if you have some spare change, please do support the charity! <3 Sonceri of Moon Guard US. We offer community and services for citizens and new immigrants and jobs in. Okay I’ll jump into the fire: Halandor-moon-guard June 6, 2023, 2:41am 5 I usually start my emotes with /me and then write the beginning, put in any said words in double quotes, and end with more emote, which will automatically continue after the ending double quote. Forums . Moon Guard is such a drama queen. New to World of Warcraft or returning after some time away? Come and join us. X Patches & 11. Hey there! I attempted to send you a mail in-game to Jinx, but I’m unsure if I sent it to the right person. It got me thinking about vision in the World of Azeroth and thinking about vision in other fantasy RPGs and I don’t know that vision has ever been established canonically in. Please do consider giving the server a chance. 1 : 1 with prime time reaching 90. It was Wrath of the Lich King, which in my opinion was the greatest expansion of the game. This is going to fix that. We take players. I’ve been roleplaying in WoW since 2006. Moon Guard. Jacquell-wyrmrest-accord November 10, 2023, 12:47pm. Currently building a community for. Moon Guard Horde overall has seen a resurgence after years of neglect. Aalrua-moon-guard May 27, 2023, 12:38am #9 The game kind of explodes even without sharding, people just form raid groups for the goblins, invite 100 players and frames drop to 10 anyway. An important thing to remember when looking at RP realms is that the Faction Split and Approximate Population data — which is based on how many max. Surrounding townships - Redridge, Darkshire, Goldshire and Moonbrook- would likely be evacuated Stormwind, not only for it’s defences, but it’s harbor; where citizens could board ships to flee if the city was overrun. For all your non-Blizzard game discussions. Currently: Rebuilding the town following a devastating assault by an unknown group. (Stone Moon Guard Stronghold) /way Suramar 21. I’m on often and will approve any new applicants for a couple of days. Everyone knows that. Mission. We stand ready to heed the call to arms against the. Lets go!! Can’t wait! Odron-moon-guard. EVENT: Weekly Market RP Event. Nine years and a migration to Moon Guard later, the Sha'tor remains an active bastion of draenei roleplay, having established a reputation among both the general draenei community and overall roleplay community for its dedicated leadership, commitment to quality, and varied cast of characters that ultimately enrich the guild's story and. After reading Melyria's most excellent Night Elf guide, I decided to tackle the other race of the Alliance that is sorely misrepresented: the Draenei. Midday is recruiting and welcoming all classes and specs! Older folks who enjoy socializing and playing the game. Likely they just forgot again, the level of sharding implemented was pretty extreme, beyond even normal server sharding. Astromancer-moon-guard. 2b) Is there a standard protocol for initiating a walk-up? As far as I know there is no chat add on. 0. Perigrin-moon-guard. Discord servers usually help keep track of events and such. Rulkrogan-emerald-dream October 9, 2023, 1:33pm. Thanks! Names for Sale:. Really kind of takes the fun out of RP, lol. Go through the, "shadow gauntlet," aka, the shadow animals and Night Elves attacking you from one moon beam to another. The Silver Vanguard is a new Thalassian-themed roleplay Guild on Moon Guard seeking to promote and embrace the community of High Elven roleplay that thrives among dedicated fans of Warcraft. The Horde Vanguard. Dragonflight 10. Me: Holy/Ret or any healer but dragon or shaman Healers And i love SV Hunter Friend: Tanks/Dps class. Most folks are here to have fun, whatever fun. Arena World Championship . Live the name there. No ifs ands or butts. My understanding is that Kajamite has plateaued the Goblin. Don’t know how anyone could have fun writing prompts for chatGPT in another browser or on another monitor, but it is what it is I guess. Need help with holy paladin macros. Warcraft Conquest presents Tropic Sunder , a narrative and D20 campaign that will take place between April 4-10th, 2021, in Stranglethorn Vale. I find my RP by playing on other characters. 8 70. My opinion on that is for a different time. Owaeran-moon-guard. World of Warcraft Forums Delete please <3. Uqur-moon-guard2. For example click that link and you’ll be able to see all of my alts, but you can actually turn this off. Make an account with check pvp, and go to your settings and disabled those alts from being viewed. The Blackwater Company is looking for some marauders or brutes to help round out the employment base for our myriad of different contract types. Blizzard ForumsHighvalor-moon-guard. Can't log in to one character on Moonguard 51900319 error - Moon Guard. Rekfar-moon-guard (Rekfar) 8 March 2019 04:02 #2. Doesnt matter what faction. As for walk up it should be fine as long as you can see them and it’s not like they are in an alley or a room at an inn. S. Alongside that, we are. The Gilnean Concord Citizens of Gilneas, and those who would join us, your Kingdom is rebuilding. I actually equate them as being two sides of the same coin no matter how people try to prop one up and put down the other because lore-wise, that’s 100% of what they are. MEANWHILE. Disclaimer: I did not create these uniform sets. Sarayland-moon-guard February 10, 2019, 2:35am #2. Other servers have also been consolidated and merged in the past. Aralzitalth-moon-guard July 24, 2023, 7:51pm 6. Hey there! I love that you’re doing this. Moon Guard Horde overall has seen a resurgence after years of neglect. I have opened up the Guild Recruitment ( Search, Atal Loa, under RP). Xaolio-wyrmrest-accord (Xaolio) July 10, 2020, 7:21pm #3. Moon Guard. Or maybe the tribe is an old one that never joined the Horde, but has been reconciled to their non-migratory brethren and now joins the Horde. World of Warcraft Forums False Reports A-plenty. Moon Guard. Kirynn-moon-guard November 13, 2020, 1:30am #4. Brought to you by the Grand Alliance. If walk-up rp is important to you or you keep unusual/erratic hours, go to Moon Guard. sure would be nice if we could send things to our alts--- no matter the realm, no matter the faction. Kingdom of Gilneas Citizens of Gilneas, and those who would join us, your Kingdom is rebuilding. Moonguard is predominantly Alliance. An increase in server events, such as Conquest, Homefront, ToA, and the Kosh’harg Festival (06-10 Apr) assist in regaining a lot of that population loss. Or just get together with your friends, open the map. Okay listen, we would settle for logs we can sit on. If you’re looking for a neutral guild, there are loads of options! Most prominent in my opinion is Blackwater, led by Persefani. Poised-moon-guard. net. Expand. People recognize one another and turns the hang-out spots more community driven where you go to the bar and know you’ll see familiar faces every day. One might be real helpful though! MG Channel/Discord Server Listing Thread Moon Guard. Sharding low-population stormwind is killing RP. If you’re a ranged DPS, we want you! Grimzhen-moon-guard September 20, 2023, 3:37am 3. I prefer wyrmrest accord. The Blackwater Company was formed as a mercenary and land trading company with some strong ties to a darker side of the business. Vaeronia-moon. Moonguard is incredibly Alliance dominated, and has more loose with the lore RP. Hangout in Stormwind mage district and cathedral area for random RP. Åelam-moon-guard. • A New Army of the Dead Rises: To combat Sylvanas’ assault on Icecrown, Bolvar Fordragon— the revered former paladin who took on the mantle of Lich King to keep the Scourge at bay—has raised heroes from among all the peoples of Azeroth to bolster the Death Knights of Acherus. com) ___ ___ Date: May 13th Time(MG/WRA): 6:30 PM CST / 4:30 PM PST Server/Area: Moon Guard, Stormwind Embassy & Stormwind Gates. Raid team very good much fun. DESCRIPTION: A Daily New Report on the latest Events, Happenings, and Recipes trending on the Alliance. Saeledhel-moon-guard May 12, 2023, 5:12pm #868. WRA has some walk-up rp as well but it is nothing like the scope and scale of the Alliance on MG. RP in the open world’s all well and good, and it’s been really fun in Darkshire, but most people use it for guild events and then Stormwind for more relaxed/organic RP. [N-RP] <The Blackwater Company> Is Now Hiring! Moon Guard. Over the past several weeks, there has been a massive surge of players getting warned, silenced, and suspended. Added a Notice Board Google Slide deck with two slide options to post multiple decrees, wanted posters, and more!Darbii-moon-guard May 9, 2023, 11:36pm. The top 1000 players in your region are immortalized here. There is a US Server named after this zone, and you can find its wow Forum here. Ramping up for a new season, excited to chase down a new AOTC/KSM. There is RP if you look for it. Basically, Wyrmrest is predominantly Horde. Some folks, rightfully or wrongly, see that guild tag or see that TRP and say nope, no thank you. Hernehunter-moon-guard. If you need help let me know. The Moon Guard (also spelled the Moonguard[1] or simply the Guard)[2] were an elite group of night elf sorcerers who served as protectors and peace-keepers in the ancient. The Horde RP community is active, and thriving. The Grand Bazaar hopes to remedy these needs! Each month, the Grand Bazaar will move from Horde city to Horde city, promoting community roleplay!(Taken from the Moon Guard forums…same as site-write, just uses different titles) 06/12/10 Word: Injustice Reference of Meaning: == Plague take this cowardly conniving little bitch! The inten…2/25/08: The return of Cry to the Moon Guard forums under the guise of Amaroch/Lucifien. Player vs. [N-RP] The Rusty Nail Tavern Moon Guard. We take players from both factions. Moon Guard. For example click that link and you’ll be able to see all of my alts, but you can actually turn this off. 2 Likes. Goind to the Maw is different, however. On coathangers nearby on racks were a number of gnome disguise suits. Pêachês: If you are interested in coming down and seeing a live market, the Lordaeron Night Market is coming up on 6/26/23 and we are a curated black market / dark market style RP market that is totally faction neutral and located in the old Lordaeron ruins. I am trying to figure out a way to RP my shadow priest here. OOC: The Horde Vanguard (THV) is a Horde Faction Roleplaying Community Based on Moon Guard US with the purpose of having a community established by the Horde as a faction, run by the Horde, and for the Horde! THV is a guild-based community that brings like minded Pro-Horde Guilds together so that they may plan, host, and attend events and. Classes & Specs. Find topics related to roleplaying, PVE, PVP, guilds, lore, and more. A lot of us just tend to RP outside of Orgrimmar. Hangout in Stormwind mage district and cathedral area for random RP. I think this is the easy answer to reach for, and for some it will be the case, but I know there’s tons of RPers out there who actually reason it out. MG for a lot of options. Goatlock looking for new home. Baiganx-moon-guard (Baiganx) 6 November 2019 22:45 #1. World of Warcraft, even it’s current iteration, remains a big game with a lot of people. Thialee-moon-guard. Moon Guard. Moon Guard is a player-versus-environment roleplaying (PvE-RP) server in the MMORPG World of Warcraft. Decard-moon-guard. So, let me try to get right to the point. 2 comments. I generally assume that when someone is RPing an undead, demon, etc. RPing is very much like acting, in fact it pretty much is acting. Ranomly attacking someone’s. Arân-moon-guard. Looking to join up with a new group of friends for your adventures in Dragonflight? Darkshire Trading Co. You can find info on it on the general forum’s sticky. Strickenx-moon-guard. I, personally, only take issue with the ones who go OOC with it and use it as an excuse to harass anyone who. I haven’t rped fully since before Shadowlands and on another character of mine, but now that I am back - where are the RP spots? I mean, I remember there were some in org and in Silvermoon (though, that faded years ago), but I am unsure where to go? I know on Alliance there is many places, but on Horde, I don’t see anything major anymore. 7 Sanctum of Order Entrance /way Suramar 43. It’s barely an inconvenience to turn off /yell for the hour of time it’s up and running. Illidan languished for 10,000 years in a lightless prison. RP-newb question about chat.